
Hi! It's me Wana
Nice to see you..

I'm Wana. An INTP-T woman. I'm often thoroughly engaged in my own thoughts. I usually appear to others to be offbeat and unconventional. People may think i am a stereotypical “nerd” who may be shy or withdrawn around people i don’t know well. However, i become talkative and enthusiastic when i meet someone who shares my niche interests.

Hijrah pada 01.46 WIB

Malam ini hawanya panas, sangat nggak mendukung untuk aku bisa tidur nyenyak. That's why i am here again. Entah kenapa ritual menulis blog aku  sering banget dilakukan di malam hari. Lucunya adalah biasanya setelah aku publish tulisan di malam hari sebelum tidur, maka nggak jarang pas bangun ti…

We all have demons.

Been struggling about this for so long times.As i used to do disaat orang lain berkomentar tentang keburukan orang lain, aku cuma bisa diam. Don't mean to be hypocrite but i am just me who not  interested in talk about gossip, memelintir atau ngomongin kesalahan orang yang menurutku nggak perlu…

Ai med dis in mai 19th (HAHA)

What makes me feeling so regret all the times.
1. I just having my 19th grade and it's pulling me down because I literally not sure with my age. It  feels so weird. 2. To be honest,  I have knew that all I need in life isn't money and every achievement that I want to achieve is not just n…