
Hi! It's me Wana
Nice to see you..

I'm Wana. An INTP-T woman. I'm often thoroughly engaged in my own thoughts. I usually appear to others to be offbeat and unconventional. People may think i am a stereotypical “nerd” who may be shy or withdrawn around people i don’t know well. However, i become talkative and enthusiastic when i meet someone who shares my niche interests.

Dari bumi

Hi Luna
The Moon
How's night?
You're so natural, everyone knows that
You're the earth's only natural satellite
Don't be, everyone knows that.
Do I look foodin insane just caused have a conversation with the moon?
You know that you're weird
You're in  synchronou…

Mantra hujan

Mantra hujan bukan dari orang yang suka hujan, termenung, menari dan mengingat masa lalu saat hujan. Karena kalau kalian pernah denger lirik dari salah satu lagu dangdut yang cukup fenomenal "masa lalu biarlah masa lalu", menurutku pada bagian ini bisa diterima dan lumayan  encouraging un…