
Hi! It's me Wana
Nice to see you..

I'm Wana. An INTP-T woman. I'm often thoroughly engaged in my own thoughts. I usually appear to others to be offbeat and unconventional. People may think i am a stereotypical “nerd” who may be shy or withdrawn around people i don’t know well. However, i become talkative and enthusiastic when i meet someone who shares my niche interests.

Hey Wana

Who wouldn't have? You were  awful back then. You said "refuse to regret". Then tried to find out the guts to say that you are not the right one to blame. did you? or... do you?. Knowing that no ones would like to know  you were that crazy crook, you had supposed for a while that you …


Dia wanita tidak mengerti arti luka
Kalaupun dia tahu, semuanya ia fikir luka
Dia wanita terlalu peduli
Kalaupun dia lupa, dia lupa dirinya sendiri
Dia wanita pecinta jagat raya
Kalaupun  sadar, dia debu di nebula
Dia wanita tenggelam dalam lautan
Kalaupun ada yang tahu, mereka hanya sekedar tahu
Dia wanit…

He doesn't know

She hasn't told me that she loves him. It's for the first time she fall in the serious way and  it's permanent.  I immediately knew it by saw her expression while she was in front of him. She always paying  attention how his act to others people, how his lips curved into a smile, then s…


Di siang hari yang terik, seekor anak semut berjalan dengan tergesa gesa. Matanya mengitari jalan yang melebihi luas samudra, orang orang berlalu lalang tanpa memperdulikannya. Kakinya terluka tanpa alas. Pun perutnya lapar dan tiada satupun yang tahu.
Sampai seorang pemuda lewat dengan jantung yan…